Make company changes smoothly, minimizing resistance to change, change leadership, change curve, The Change Management Plan, organizational transformation. This course is useful for successfully making changes in:
Getting work done through the efforts of other people presents a variety of challenges. We leaders are often unaware of the effects we have on those we lead. The unintended consequences of our misinformed actions often lead to undesirable results. What are we to do under these challenging circumstances?
There is no leadership style or set of leadership skills that are effective in all circumstances. It takes different skills to lead a military organization than a non-profit; a team of twenty-somethings than a team of forty-somethings; a manufacturing company than a senior care facility. Each leader brings to their position a unique set of strengths and limitations.
There are however, some overarching principles that great leaders live by that give them an advantage in getting great work done through others.
Lighthouse provides research-based answers to the question, "How can I be a more effective leader?"
Mastery does not happen by accident. It is a process that occurs as we interact effectively with the events and circumstances of our lives. Each moment of our lives provides an opportunity to practice mastery by expanding our visions, awakening the faculties of our minds and our hearts, and assuming full responsibility for living, growing, and contributing.
16 Sep, 2019 - 8:45 PM
Procrastination is a way of handling stress. Have you ever thought of it like that? Much like any other habit, it has a trigger, an action and a result. Read [...]
18 Jul, 2019 - 9:15 PM
Time Management is critical when it comes to effectively achieving our goals. It becomes an even more powerful tool when it comes to leadership. When we are properly managing our [...]
31 May, 2019 - 6:33 AM
Trust is a key attribute that we rely on every single day, whether we recognize it or not. It’s the confidence that we place in others that guide our daily [...]
06 May, 2019 - 12:34 PM
Life is full of daily interactions that can lead to conflict; whether it’s at home, in the workplace, or, a personal favorite for some, in the comment section of your [...]
"In large organizations having an executive coach is becoming a status symbol, as in, “The Company values me so much they’re willing to get me my own coach. Don’t you have one?”
The purpose of having an executive coach is to help you see things you can’t see, to provide an outside perspective with expertise to guide you to a better, more successful and fulfilling place. The best of the best can’t see themselves clearly, not even you. With the help of the Lighthouse Coaching Model, and third-party objective assessments, coaches at Lighthouse will illuminate the path to a brighter future."
Lighthouse Leadership has partnered with 360Solutions to offer many valuable assessments and survey tools that can be used for hiring the right employees, gaining insight from workgroups, and uncovering development opportunities for individuals and organizations. Over 25 years of research and development have gone into our employee assessment system.
Management and Leadership is a significant part of the answer to whatever challenges your organizations may face. "High Performance Leadership: From Control to Empowerment" will teach you how to be an outstanding leader/manager within your organization. The principles and practices you learn in this program are based upon observation and research from the foremost authorities in the field of management and leadership.