Why should your business be interested in an esoteric subject such as Emotional Intelligence? Why should your firm invest training dollars in a program designed to increase emotional competencies for your staff? Does it make a difference when employees are aware of their feelings, values and goals?
For any business that would like to see increases in productivity and efficiency, more effective sales people, more creative teams and more nimble management—the answer is an unequivocal YES!
In his best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Golman reported that research shows the traditional IQ test only accounts for 20% of a person’s success in life. (1) What accounts for the remaining 80%? Psychologists have concluded that a portion of the missing factors lie in Emotional Intelligence. The more aware we are of our own emotions, the more control we have over them; and the more we empathize with the emotions of others, the more emotionally intelligent we become.
Emotionally competent people exude self-confidence, which makes them good leaders and active team
players. They maintain an optimistic outlook on life, which helps them overcome obstacles. Their ability to delay gratification and to manage stress, anger, envy and other negative emotions helps them build productive relationships and complete tasks.
Emotional Intelligence is not some New Age, touchy-feely concept. In fact, the United States Air Force saved three million dollars by using Emotional Intelligence Screening to select recruiters. Those with the most Emotional Intelligence were three times as effective as general candidates. The more emotionally competent recruiters also stayed on the job longer, cutting training costs.
Emotional Intelligence is crucial for most roles in business. But business people have one overriding question: How does it affect the bottom line? Can putting employees in touch with their emotions actually make them more productive?
Find out more by contacting me today via my web site. I look forward to hearing from you!
(1) Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.