Business health examinations and correct diagnosis of business disease are crucial before prescribing treatment. Over 25 years of research and development have gone into our employee assessment system to ensure that you have fast, accurate, cost effective and EEOC Compliant results.

CANDIDATE PROFILE – The flagship of our system is the candidate profile. The report provides 8 to 18 pages of the applicant’s character and talent traits along with what you may expect from the applicant. This is a vital tool to help you evaluate an individual’s weak and strong points. The report will help you make the right decisions as to where this person best fits in your company and where you will need to offer direction and training. Hiring the wrong candidate for the position helps neither you nor the candidate. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment – You hired a dream candidate and she turned out to be a nightmare. You can’t decide which team member should be promoted. EIQ is widely recognized and proven in many controlled scientific trials to be at least twice as predictive of success in the workplace as IQ or technical skills. This assessment measures a person’s ability to use feelings constructively, to take responsibility for their emotions, and their level of attaining emotional growth and maturity. Using this tool allows you to reduce regrets in your people placement.

$24.50 Limited time offer! 50% off regular price of $49.00.

*Important! Within 24 hours of making this purchase you will receive an email with a link and session ID to take your online EIQ Assessment.

Leadership Potential – The leaders in your organization shape its culture. Their traits and practices are multiplied within your business as they are followed. Selecting the right leaders is crucial to your success. This assessment shows a person’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader, and who has the most potential for high performance.

$24.50 Limited time offer! 50% off regular price of $49.00.

*Important! Within 24 hours of making this purchase you will receive an email with a link and session ID to take your online Leadership Potential Assessment.

P60 – Discover the candidate’s personality type with this simple assessment. Discover the true personality of your potential employee with the P60. Are they a born leader? A supporter? A networker? With a simple analysis you can discover if they are right for your company and compatible with their department.

EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SURVEY – This survey uses group-based opinions to help you evaluate the overall engagement of your employees. Since an engaged workforce is so important to a company’s long-term achievement, it is essential that every measure is taken to understand a staff’s level of engagement. The first step to measuring employee engagement is to issue an employee engagement survey. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

CUSTOM APTITUDE – The Custom Aptitude is multiple-choice based and customized for your company. You can apply up to 60 questions with a range of 5 possible answers. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

CUSTOM SURVEY – The Custom Survey is used to form opinions from a group-based standpoint. By using general questions you can create a survey for your designated groups and receive anonymous results and comments. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

I.Q. ASSESSMENT – The I.Q. Assessment will demonstrate how well an applicant can reason and resolve problems. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

SALES APTITUDE – The Sales Aptitude measures applicants in 11 different areas and provides insight into what type of salesperson they are. You will discover at which level their sales ability is, and in what areas they need training. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

MATH & SPELLING – Usually the basics are the best place to start. This program is perfectly suited to bring a well rounded view of problem solving and literary performance. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

360 FEEDBACK – Over the past decade, 360-degree feedback has revolutionized performance management. Employee feedback is essential for an organization’s success in training, evaluation and growth. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

MANAGEMENT APTITUDE – The Management Aptitude is an effective tool in measuring one’s leadership abilities as well as identifying areas for development. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT APTITUDE – The Project Management Aptitude is designed to help an organization determine the basic skills of new Project Managers or to assess existing Project Managers in their capabilities for extra tasks and responsibility. Fill in the side-bar form to learn more about using this tool in your company.

Send Assessments by Email

The ability to send all of your assessments and surveys securely from your account to your employees and clients is an essential feature. There is no limit to the places you can reach by sending any Assessment or Survey from within your account. Send mass assessments of up to 100 applicants / employees at a single time and receive instant notification of completion via email.


If you have employees in a department who are performing well, does it not make sense to hire the same type of person for that department? With the benchmark program you can! Each time you run a Candidate Profile you have the opportunity to create, compare and utilize results to create accurate benchmarks to match your current employees. By using various existing and custom benchmarks to see how close the scores and personality types are, you will see in seconds if the applicant you are looking at “fits” the position and department.

Branding Reports

Every report is custom labeled with your company logo and contact information.