Trust is a Multi-Lane Highway!

Posted On: December 21, 2015 by: Doug Lundrigan

The predictability and reliability of executive management in the eyes of the employees will, in large, determine the loyalty of the workforce in tough times.

Executive > Everyone Else

The predictability and reliability of executive management in the eyes of the employees will, in large, determine the loyalty of the workforce in tough times. Unfortunately, many surveys and research studies report that senior management is the least trusted group in an organization.

To raise the level of trust in this dimension, ensure:

• Open and honest communication in all levels of the company
• A collaborative approach to the workforce
• Consistent principles and behaviors

Manager > Employee

Research on this dimension consistently reports that employees have a greater level of trust in their immediate supervisor than any other management level in the firm. When a manager’s behavior toward employees is consistent over a period of time, employees can reasonably predict that manager’s behavior. The manager will be trusted at a high level. Managers who have difficulty demonstrating faith in others are typically not highly trusted. To raise the level of trust in this dimension:

• Tell the truth and share honest information, even if it is to your disadvantage
• Demonstrate and foster a win-win focus
• Actively seek feedback

Peer > Peer

Whereas the first two dimensions span the company hierarchy, this dimension explores horizontal interaction, involving manager-to-manager and employee-to-employee interaction. Trust is a foundational piece of teamwork and the presence or absence of trust can predict the effectiveness of a team or group of peers. This dimension can be greatly impacted by collusion, secret interactions, plots, and agreements that undermine and erode authentic, constructive workplace interactions. To raise the level of trust in this dimension:

• Create opportunities for social interaction
• Take a strong line against collusion and other demoralizing and counter-productive behaviors
• Motivate employees at all levels to solve problems by providing appropriate training, resources and rewards

Attend a High Performance Leadership seminar to increase the level of trust in your organization. Find out more at

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